Review: The House at the End of the Street by Jennie Jones

Gemma has a burning need to make a home in Swallow's Fall.
All Josh has ever wanted is to get out.
Gemma Munroe loves hard, laughs hard and plays hard. Her dream is finally within her grasp - owning the toy shop in Swallow's Fall and establishing herself permanently. Only one person is in her way: Josh Rutherford. The love of her life who kissed her and left her ten years ago is coming home.
Josh will be in town for five days - only five days. He'll finally sever the ties to a youth filled with poverty by selling the properties that are now his. It's all in the plan. Everything . . . except for Gem. He never forgot her, but he definitely forgot the effect she has on him. Now she's got problems, and he can't seem to leave without trying to help her solve them.
The town itself also has its own plans. Seven weeks later Josh is still in town. Gem has to get through her best friends' wedding and Josh has to get over Gem. Because he's not staying. Is he?
Rating: 4/5
The House at the End of the Street is the fifth and final book in Jennie Jones' series featuring the town of Swallow's Fall - and the first I have read in this series. I simply MUST get my hands on the other books in this series!
Gemma is settled in Swallow's Fall, the town where she grew up ... the town where Josh Rutherford kissed her - then left without explaination, leaving her seventeen year old self heart broken and struggling to get over him. She wants to own the building that she's operating her business in, but one man is standing in her way. Josh. He's the owner, and the price he wants is way out of her reach. It might be possible if her Dad - the shit - would come to the party and give her some of her inheritance from her Aunty.
Josh is back in Swallow's Fall to settle his business so that he can move on with his life. Selling the building that houses Gem's Toy Emporium is high on his list, as is selling his mum's house. Only one thing stands in his way. Gemma. She's getting under his skin, just like she did when they were younger. Before he left town the first time.
Can Gemma convince her Dad to part with some of her inheritance early so that she can follow her dream? Will she paint Josh's emblem on the town mural? What will Josh do when he's presented with an inheritance from the town's patriach? Is there anything anyone can do to convince him to stay in Swallow's Fall?
Gemma is settled in Swallow's Fall, the town where she grew up ... the town where Josh Rutherford kissed her - then left without explaination, leaving her seventeen year old self heart broken and struggling to get over him. She wants to own the building that she's operating her business in, but one man is standing in her way. Josh. He's the owner, and the price he wants is way out of her reach. It might be possible if her Dad - the shit - would come to the party and give her some of her inheritance from her Aunty.
Josh is back in Swallow's Fall to settle his business so that he can move on with his life. Selling the building that houses Gem's Toy Emporium is high on his list, as is selling his mum's house. Only one thing stands in his way. Gemma. She's getting under his skin, just like she did when they were younger. Before he left town the first time.
Can Gemma convince her Dad to part with some of her inheritance early so that she can follow her dream? Will she paint Josh's emblem on the town mural? What will Josh do when he's presented with an inheritance from the town's patriach? Is there anything anyone can do to convince him to stay in Swallow's Fall?
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
Publication Date: 2015
RRP: $29.99 AUD
I purchased this book for my own collection and was not required to give a review.