Review: The Magical City by Lizzie Mary Cullen

Step inside The Magical City . . .
Open your mind to the hidden wonder of urban landscapes across the world with this beautifully intricate colouring book. From London to Luxor, follow cobbled pavements through winding streets, look up at skyscrapers soaring to the skies, and gaze over rooftops and dreaming spires. And as you colour and doodle your way through these illustrations, you'll find hidden details emerge not only on the page but also in the world around you . . .
Print a Sample Page: A Castle on a Hill
Rating: 5/5
From the silver foiled cover to the rendition of the famous Beatles photo of Abbey Road and cities from Paris to Sydney, this book is sure to impress! Each picture is intricately detailed and the book also has a bevy of hidden animals for you to find. This one is another work of art that I'm having second thoughts about actually colouring - I love it so much!
Publisher: Penguin UK
Publication Date: 2 July 2015
RRP: $22.99 AUD
I purchased this book for my own collection and was not required to give a review.