Review: Emergency Response by Nicki Edwards

Running away didn't solve anything ... at least, not the first time.
Intensive care nurse Mackenzie Jones is no stranger to
running. As a teenager she fled her family home, leaving tragedy and
loss in her wake. Now, after fifteen years alone in Sydney, with the
strain of working in a city hospital wearing her thin, she's tempted to
run again.
Mackenzie jumps at the chance to work in a mining town in
the Western Australian desert – anything to lift her spirits. Though she
barely dares to hope, she wonders if she might find the kind of love
that can ease her loneliness.
In the outback, Nathan Kennedy is at a loose end. He's
been making money in the mines for years, and pressure from his family
to return to the east coast, settle down and get married is reaching
fever pitch. The problem is, he hasn't met the right woman.
When Mackenzie turns up in town, there's an instant
attraction between her and Nathan, maybe even true love. But tragedy's
not done with Mackenzie Jones – the past is about to catch up with her
in more ways than one.
Can Nathan convince Mackenzie to stop running, or is this just another tragedy in the making?
Rating: 4/5
You will laugh and cry as you follow Nathan and Mackenzie on their journey into love.
Publisher: Momentum Books
Publication Date: 22 October 2015
RRP: Not Known
I received an ebook from the publishers via Netgalley for the purposes of a review, this review is my own personal view and is not required to be positive.