Review: Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

Penny has a secret.

Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendship, boys, her crazy family and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets Noah: a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.

But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever.

Rating: 4/5

I'm kind of late to the game on this one, and while I am aware of the controversy surrounding this book and the others in the series, of which I think there are 3 books. 

I have to say it is not the first book in the world that has ever been ghost-written and it surely won't be the last.

The story is well thought out and well written, with relatable characters for the intended audience. Reading it as a *mumbles* 4- something, I found it to be enjoyable and fail to see any issue with the story at all. 

Publisher: Penguin Group
Publication Date: 2014

I purchased this book for my own collection and was not required to give a review.

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