Review: Smart Bitches Buy Bitcoin by Branden LaNette and Andrea Waltz


If you think Bitcoin is just a game for the “guys” or the smart “investors,” think again.

The first time you heard about Bitcoin you probably thought what we did: sounds like sci-fi nonsense and is probably a total scam.

But then we started to do our own research. A lot of research. We discovered some truths about the economy and that there is a financial revolution happening. We realized we needed to share what we’ve learned. It’s time that women understand and get in on the greatest financial transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen.

Most women didn’t get much of a financial education when they were growing up. But we can’t afford to shy away from Bitcoin because it seems a little scary or confusing. The world is changing and we have a real opportunity to take control of our economic destiny.

My Rating: 2/5
As someone who has at least had some prior introduction to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, I found Smart Bitches Buy Bitcoin to be mildly informative. The information shared isn't anything new that you couldn't find by researching a little yourself - if you are truly interested in crypto. 
Aside from that, I found the frequent swearing to be unprofessional. Given that the book is likely to be picked up by women who are interested in investing, and not the average Jane, a more professional approach may have been better.
If you only want to know the very basics about Bitcoin, its an okay book to pick up - but if you want to get to the nitty gritty, then I'm sure there are plenty of websites and other books out there that will be a much better fit.

PRICE$12.00 (USD)

I received an ebook from the publishers via NetGalley for the purposes of a review, this review is my own personal view and is not required to be positive.

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